
Here you can find sermons from the International Baptist Church Munich
Live on YouTube on Sunday 11:00


Latest Sermons


Kindly check the sermon “Justified!” based on Romans 3:21-4:25 by Pastor Oliver. May God bless you!

God’s wrath against sinners

Kindly check the sermon “God's wrath against sinners” based on Romans 1:18-3:20 by Brother Sam. May God bless you!

All Things New

Kindly check the sermon “All Things New” based on Revelation  21:1-8 by Brother John. May God bless you!

The Visitation

Kindly check the sermon “The Visitation” based on Luke 1:39-56 by Brother Alaba. May God bless you!

Call To Repentance

Kindly check the sermon “Call To Repentance” based on Luke 3:1-17 by Pastor Oliver. May God bless you!

The Annunciation

Kindly check the sermon “The Annunciation” based on Luke 1:26-38 by Brother John. May God bless you!

Preparation for the Lord

November 27th, 2022:   Kindly check the sermon “Preparation for the Lord” based on Luke 1:1-25 by Brother John. May God bless you!

The World

November 13th, 2022:   Kindly check the sermon “The World” based on Ephesians 6:5-9 by Brother John. May God bless you!

"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name."

Psalm 86:9, NIV