Join us for a time of worship and preaching from God’s Word!
11:00 International Worship Service (in English)
📍 Main Auditorium
12:45-13:30 After-Service Lunch & Fellowship
📍 Downstairs every 2nd Sunday
19:00-20:00 Prayer meeting
📍 Hybrid: Downstairs and Online in Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7639538399?pwd=ZXJLY29XQWFJY2U2MVNzanFadmdIUT09

Life Groups meet during the week
In IBC Munich Life Groups, believers meet together to walk with Jesus daily and become His light to the world. Join a life group today and have the fellowship, Bible Study and prayer that we need to be joyous and mature followers of Christ.
There are currently the following Life Groups:
Tuesdays, 18:30
📍 Online or at someone’s place
Leaders: Feranmi & Sam
Thursdays, 18:30
📍 Pasing area
Leader: Neander
Thursdays, 19:30
📍 Church building
Leader: Alaba
Fridays, 19:00
📍 Online in Skype
Leader: Brother John
Teens’ Life group, meets every 2 weeks
📍 Various locations
Leaders: Andrew & Linda
Community Outreach/Fellowship
Various locations.
"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name."
Psalm 86:9, NIV
Rahab’s Declaration Of Faith
Kindly check the sermon “Rahab's Declaration Of Faith” from Brother John. May God bless you!
The Promise And Its Consequences
Kindly check the sermon “The Promise And Its Consequences” from Brother John. May God bless you!
Contact Us
📍 Innere Wiener Straße 34, 81667 München
📧 assoc.pastor@munichibc.de