Here you can find sermons from the International Baptist Church MunichLive on YouTube on Sunday 11:00
Latest Sermons
Save the Unsaved | Jeremiah 15:19
Kindly check the sermon “Save the Unsaved” based on Jeremiah 15:19 by Rev. Dr. Christopher Jothiratnam. May God bless you!
The Parable Of The Persistent Widow | Luke 18:1-8
Kindly check the sermon “The Parable Of The Persistent Widow” based on Luke 18:1-8 by Brother John. May God bless you!
The Unchanging God
Kindly check the sermon “The Unchanging God” based on Hebrews 13:6-8 byDr. Romeo Kwabena Agyapong. May God bless you!
Confident in God’s Promises | Joshua 6:1-25
Kindly check the sermon “ Confident in God's Promises” based on Joshua 6:1-25 by Brother John. May God bless you!
God’s Judgement on Sin | Genesis 19:1-29
April 30th, 2023 Kindly check the sermon “God’s Judgement on Sin” based on Genesis 19:1-29 by Brother John. May God bless you!
Loving Jesus | Luke 7:36-50
Kindly check the sermon “Loving Jesus” based on Luke 7:36-50 by Pastor David Bird. May God bless you!
Our Future Resurrection | Revelation 21:1-8
April 16th, 2023 Kindly check the sermon “Our Future Resurrection” based on Revelation 21:1-8 by Pastor David Bird. May God bless you!
Life By Believing in His Name | John 20:19-31
April 9th, 2023 Kindly check the sermon “Life By Believing in His Name” based on John 20:19-31 by Dr. Feranmi Oguntona. May God bless you!
The Resurrection of Lazarus | John 11
Kindly check the sermon “The Resurrection of Lazarus” based on John 11 by Dr. Luke Stannard. May God bless you!
Healing the Man Born Blind | John 9
Kindly check the sermon “Healing the Man Born Blind” based on John 9 by Brother Oliver Randl. P.S.: Unfortunately the sound quality is not very good due to using new tech equipment – we are working on improving it. May God bless you!
Feeding of the 5000 | John 6:1-15
Kindly check the sermon “Feeding of the 5000” based on John 6:1-15 by Brother John. May God bless you!
Confidence in God’s long-term plan for us
Kindly check the sermon “Confidence in God's long-term plan for us” based on Deuteronomy 3:12-29 by Tim Faulkner (General Secretary of IBC). May God bless you!
"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name."
Psalm 86:9, NIV
The Two Builders | Luke 6:46-49
Kindly check the sermon “The Two Builders” based on Luke 6:46-49 from Pastor Harim Choi. May God bless you!
A Tree And Its Fruits
Kindly check the sermon “A Tree And Its Fruits” based on Luke 6:43-45 from Pastor Harim Choi. May God bless you!
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