Here you can find sermons from the International Baptist Church MunichLive on YouTube on Sunday 11:00
Latest Sermons
5 Missional Habits – Tell
Kindly check the sermon "Tell" from Tim Faulkner - General Secretary of International Baptist Convention. May you be blessed!
5 Missional Habits – Bless & Eat
Kindly check the sermon "Bless & Eat" from Pastor Paul. May you be richly blessed!
7 realities of experiencing God
Kindly check the sermon "7 realities of experiencing God" from Brother John.
Escalation of Sin
Kindly check the sermon “Escalation of Sin” from Brother John. May the abundant blessings of God be upon you!
Garden, Sin & Fall #2
Kindly check the sermon "Garden, Sin & Fall #2" from Pastor Paul. May the Lord richly bless you!
Garden, Sin & Fall #1
Kindly check the first sermon in series "Garden, Sin & Fall" from Pastor Paul. May you be greatly blessed!
Being a Welcoming Community
Kindly check the sermon "Being a Welcoming Community" from Pastor Paul. Remain blessed!
Created in His Image
Kindly check another sermon in Genesis series from Pastor Paul: "Created in His Image" God bless you!
Our Identity IS Christ
Kindly check the message from Pastor Paul based on the Ephesians 2:1-10: 1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the...
In the Beginning
Kindly check the first sermon in Genesis series from Pastor Paul. May you be blessed!
Empowering Participation
Kindly check the sermon "Empowering Participation" from Pastor Paul Bottrill-Chau
God’s Plan
Kindly check the sermon "God's Plan" from Brother John.
"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name."
Psalm 86:9, NIV
Rooted in God
Kindly check the sermon “Rooted in God” from Pastor Chris Carson. May God bless you!
Kindly check the sermon “Mission” from Pastor Chris Carson. May God bless you!
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